A catalyst for change

The area immediately surrounding the site currently faces a number of wider issues and challenges, including antisocial behaviour and waste storage on street. Many of these issues result from the current underuse of Parsonage Gardens, which is due to a lack of at the ground floor level, as well as pedestrians being deterred by narrow, car dominated streets perceived to be unsafe.

A restaurant at ground floor will give the new building an active frontage and connection with Parsonage Gardens, complemented and enhanced by public realm improvements. Alongside the provision of new office space, this will help to activate the square, increasing safety and amenity by encouraging use across different times of day.

Given that the redevelopment of this site would represent a significant investment opportunity, it can also act as a catalyst for wider improvements to follow. Dialogue is taking place with Manchester City Council in relation to refuse management arrangements, and we are keen to hear ideas and priorities from local residents and other stakeholders as part of this consultation.


View across Parsonage Gardens from St Mary’s Parsonage.